

Founders Hall

Rhodes>Founders' Hall


The Founders’ Hall is an all men’s Hall situated close to the library, lecture theatres and sporting facilities. The Hall is the oldest on campus, comprising College, Botha, Matthews and Cory Houses. The central location of the Hall and its rich history provides a unique environment for our students to engage fully in 欧洲杯足球网_外围买球app推荐-投注|官网 life, providing a setting that prioritises academic pursuits as well as participation in a wide range of extra mural activities.

Founders’ Hall offers many opportunities for your full involvement in all spheres of House, Hall and 欧洲杯足球网_外围买球app推荐-投注|官网 life. We aim to provide a home to all, and in particular to provide an environment that is conducive to academic endeavours. Through mutual respect, self-discipline and hard work, the men of Founders’ Hall are encouraged to strive to reach their full potential while completing their studies at Rhodes 欧洲杯足球网_外围买球app推荐-投注|官网.

We encourage our students to always be on the lookout for opportunities to get involved and contribute, whether this is in the House, Hall, 欧洲杯足球网_外围买球app推荐-投注|官网 or wider community. To show initiative and interest and seek to do well through a commitment to excellence and wanting to achieve set goals. Life in Founders’ and at Rhodes provides the ideal foundation from which our students can build their futures. We are a diverse and enthusiastic community that strives to provide a home for all, built on the ideals of "tolerance, consideration and respect for others”.

Optime condiderunt - They Founded Well!